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Published on 01 October 2023 Modified on 01 October 2023 By Steve Itela In Publications 464 downloads
Public Benefits Organization Act No 19 of 2013.pdf
Published on 08 March 2023 By Anonymous In Publications 674 downloads
Task Force on Human-Wildlife Conflict Compesation Schemes Final Report 2_compressed.pdf
Published on 08 March 2023 Modified on 08 March 2023 By Anonymous In Publications 566 downloads
ANP MANAGEMENT PLAN 2020-2030_0_compressed.pdf
This 10-year (2020-2030) management plan for the Amboseli National Park (ANP) has been developed through a collaborative effort involving a wide array of stakeholders, including the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), Amboseli Ecosystem Trust (AET), Amboseli/Tsavo Group Ranches Association (ATGRA), African Conservation Centre (ACC), Amboseli Trust for Elephants (ATE) and the County Government of Kajiado, among others
Published on 08 March 2023 Modified on 08 March 2023 By Anonymous In Publications 630 downloads
Nairobi National Park Management Plan 2020-2030.pdf
This 10-year management plan for the Nairobi National Park (NNP) is not an entirely new plan. It is a rewritten plan that carries forward the existing policy direction for the ecological integrity of (NNP) and incorporates new content relating to visitor experience and public appreciation and understanding contained in the previous approved NNP Management Plan (2005-2010). The current review of the NNP Management Plan (2005-2010) provided an opportunity to build on a strong foundation of policy direction while aligning the plan with the KWS Protected Areas Planning Framework (PAPF) and KWS Strategic Plan 2019-2024. In line with the PAPF and the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act, 2013, the NNP plan has been developed in a participatory manner, incorporating and building on ideas from a broad cross-section of NNP stakeholders.
Published on 08 March 2023 Modified on 19 October 2023 By Anonymous In Publications 629 downloads
Task Force Report 3_.pdf
Human-wildlife conflicts (HWC) are a common occurrence around the world and specifically in Kenya where most wildlife are found outside protected areas. HWC occur when the needs of wildlife and humans overlap, leading to sharing and competition for limited resources. Among the main factors contributing to increased HWC include increase human, livestock, and wildlife populations, change in climate and land use, habitat degradation and fragmentation. Thus, communities that bear the brunt of HWC are less resilient to wildlife conservation and may result in retaliatory killings of wildlife. This threatens biodiversity conservation, affects revenue generation for the country and the inherent ecosystem services the Kenyan people derive from wildlife
Published on 08 March 2023 Modified on 19 October 2023 By Anonymous In Publications 630 downloads
Task Force Report 2_.pdf
An insurance plan to take over the compensation of the victims of human wildlife conflict is estimated to cost KES 3.5B with snakes covered and KES 1.6B without including snakes. The plan is expected to provide the following covers: Death; Bodily injuries i.e. Permanent total disability (PTD) and pain/Suffering (P&S) and medical expenses; Agriculture cover i.e. Crop damage and Livestock predation; Property coverage.
Published on 07 March 2023 Modified on 07 March 2023 By Anonymous In Publications 1185 downloads
National Elephant Action Plan_.pdf
This National Elephant Action Plan (NEAP) for Kenya (2022 – 2031) presents a pragmatic, cohesive and comprehensive strategy that is necessary for the conservation and management of Kenya’s elephant population and is aligned to the aspirations of the African Elephant Action Plans (AEAP). The NEAP (2023-2032) provides an opportunity to bring together relevant stakeholders working on the conservation and management of elephants through a common vision, goal and a collaborative framework for implementation of priority actions.
Published on 25 June 2022 Modified on 25 June 2022 By Steve Itela In Publications 663 downloads
Kenya has a rich wildlife resource which is the main tourism product, a key economic pillar of vision 2030. Kenya has a rich wildlife resource which is the main tourism product, a key economic pillar of vision 2030. However, the country is not receiving maximum benefits from the wildlife resource due to inadequate knowledge on the status and distribution of the country’s wildlife populations as censuses are ecosystem and species based with no comprehensive nationally coordinated wildlife census undertaken.
Published on 24 June 2022 Modified on 24 June 2022 By Anonymous In Publications 980 downloads
NWS Agenda 2018-2022 JAN 22, 2020.PDF
The National Wildlife Strategy was developed through an in-depth process of public participation, review of existing policies, practices, strategies and a comprehensive assessment of the current condition, challenges and best practices. The Strategy was and launched by H.E. Deputy President on 12th June 2018. The plan is fully aligned with the Constitution of Kenya, Vision 2030 and the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act, 2013.
Published on 27 October 2021 Modified on 04 November 2021 By Super User In Publications 898 downloads
This 10-year management plan for the Nairobi National Park (NNP) is not an entirely new plan. It is a rewritten plan that carries forward the existing policy direction for the ecological integrity of (NNP) and incorporates new content relating to visitor experience and public appreciation and understanding contained in the previous approved NNP Management Plan (2005-2010). The current review of the NNP Management Plan (2005-2010) provided an opportunity to build on a strong foundation of policy direction while aligning the plan with the KWS Protected Areas Planning Framework (PAPF)1 and KWS Strategic Plan 2019-2024. In line with the PAPF and the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act, 2013, the NNP plan has been developed in a participatory manner, incorporating and building on ideas from a broad cross-section of NNP stakeholders.
Published on 27 October 2021 Modified on 04 November 2021 By Super User In Publications 1069 downloads
In early 2006 KWS initiated the development of the Protected Areas Planning Framework (PAPF) as a way of ensuring that all new management plans provide practical and effective guidance and support for PA management, that new management plans are developed according to a common process and have a similar and easily understood structure, and that PA plans are actually implemented, rather than gathering dust on shelves.
Published on 27 October 2021 Modified on 04 November 2021 By Super User In Publications 905 downloads
NWS_2030_summary (1).pdf
The National Wildlife Strategy 2030 is a roadmap for transforming wildlife conservation in Kenya. It is aligned to Kenya’s Vision 2030 and the Government’s Big Four Agenda. It identifies a clear set of five (5) year priority goals and strategies around four key pillars: Resilient Ecosystems; Engagement by all Kenyans, Evidence Based Decision Making and Sustainability and Governance. In Addition to these targets, the strategy establishes an implementation framework to enhance communication, coordination and collaboration to inspire engagement and participation, and catalyse conservation actions with all stakeholders.
Published on 24 June 2022 Modified on 05 October 2023 By Steve Itela In Publications Tagged in NGOs Conference Report 958 downloads
Report of FIRST CONFERENCE OF NGOS_2015_Final (3).pdf
The First Conference of Conservation NGOs in Kenya aimed at promoting collaboration between wildlife conservation NGOs in Kenya. It was held at the Enashipai Lodge and Spa, Naivasha from 26-28 January 2015. One hundred and three participants from NGOs, civil society, the government, including Kenya Wildlife Service and the donor community were in attendance. The meeting was organized by the interim committee of conservation NGOs constituted during a breakfast meeting convened by the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources on 27th November 2014.
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