
Career opportunity at Nature Kenya
Job description
Position title: Policy and Advocacy Manager (PAM) – Re-advertised
Reports to: Executive Director
Location: Nairobi and outside as required
Required knowledge, skills and experience
? Advanced degree in Wildlife Management, conservation, biology natural resources management
? At least five years’ experience in conservation policy and advocacy
? Excellent understanding of the socio-policy and conservation environment in Kenya
? Experience with non-profit conservation organisations
? Demonstrable experience in conservation influence
? Demonstrable experience in proposal writing, project management, donor reporting and the logical framework approach
? Strong strategic and analytical mind
? Ability to speak clearly, concisely and cogently
? Excellent English writing skills
? Ability to get guidance and work with others and deliver results through teams
? Passion and commitment for conservation and ability to work beyond normal working hours to deliver targets
You support the Executive Director to develop and implement an effective programme of policy and advocacy for conservation actions for priority species, sites and habitats, in line with Nature Kenya strategic plan. You take responsibility for encouraging ecological sustainability in ways that safeguard Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) and priority landscapes and species including those regarded as common. You promote uptake of Multilateral Environmental Agreements and participate in national and global meetings and processes.
To achieve this, you will support the Executive Director to:
- Mainstream KBAs/IBAs and biodiversity in general into key sectors of the economy: agriculture, energy,
water, infrastructure and others. - Analyze policies, legislation and institutional frameworks at all levels and develop recommendations for key
target groups. - Catalyze and influence policies, legislation and institutional frameworks for ecosystem resilience
- Empower local communities and Site Support Groups to advocate for species and sites conservation
- Demonstrate and advocate the values of nature
- Encourage and promote sustainable production
- Develop and implement on the ground demonstrations/models for enhanced ecological sustainability in the
process of meeting economic/humans needs - Work with the public and private sector to promote best practice to mitigate negative impact of major
developments - Communicate the Nature Kenya work to audiences to influence them to take action for biodiversity
conservation - Contribute to the implementation of biodiversity linked international treaties to enhance KBAs conservation
- Mobilize the resources needed to influence policy, to conserve and sustain ecosystems services.
To view a detailed description of this position, go to
You will support the Executive Director to promote an understanding and acceptance of the importance of a healthy environment to well-functioning production sectors. This will require an extensive strategy of communication, education and public awareness and advocacy. You will develop and implement mechanisms to bring together representatives of various sectors in order to coordinate activities and address common concerns. Through mainstreaming, biodiversity concerns will be internalized into the way economic sectors, development models, policies and programmes operate. By integrating biodiversity concerns into the way sectors operate you will enhance the immediate benefits of improving environmental quality and productivity, and which also serve as a long-term safeguard for sustainable development.
You are responsible for developing a national constituency of institutions that recognise and support Nature Kenya work. An important part of the job is to ensure that Nature Kenya conservation work is packaged and disseminated to a broad
range of stakeholders, partners and members. A critical component is to ensure that Nature Kenya is adequately represented in key advocacy national fora and that Site Support Groups and national institutions understand their roles
and obligation in the implementation of key policies, legislation, treaties, agreements and conventions to ensure IBAs/KBAs conservation in perpetuity. To support these strategic goals, fundraising is a key component of your work and you will raise resources to support your position and others working with you to achieve your planned targets.
You will report to the Executive Director but work as part of a team with the Species and Sites Manager, Local Empowerment Manager, Marketing and Membership Manager, Programmes Support Manager, Finance Manager and all other Conservation Programme staff, interns and volunteers. This position cuts across many Society units and requires excellent collaboration and cross-reference and linkages with all units to ensure communication and advocacy targets address all Society objectives and targets.
How to apply
Please share your CV and cover letter with title of position applied to: [email protected]. Include the title of the position in the subject of the email. Applications to be received by 15th September 2021. If you do not hear from Nature Kenya, consider yourself unsuccessful. If you previously sent your application for this position, you need not reapply