• Bringing our heads together for a common goal: protecting our wildlife.
  • + 254 (0) 20 2000290

    +254 716 842 277

  • Africa Conservation Centre

    Hekima Road, Karen, Nairobi

  • Mon - Fri  8:00am -  5:00pm


Member profile

Name: James Weru
Membership ID: CAK083
Physical Address, Town/City: Garden Estate along Alozi Road, Opposite Kidsventorous
Country: Kenya
Work Phone - No Spaces: +254 727 031 228, +254 722 566 725
Email (Will be your System Login/Username): info@propoortourism-kenya.org
Website: www.propoortourism-kenya.org
Type of Body: NGO / non-profit
Briefly describe your organization : African Pro-Poor Tourism Development Centre (APTDC) is a Non-Governmental Organization established the year 2004, pursuant to and in accordance with section 10 of the Non-Governmental Organizations Coordination Act of Kenya. Our registration certificate number is OP.218/051/2003/0369/3010

Our Community Development thematic areas includes the UN's Sustainable Development Goals on Poverty Alleviation, Environmental Conservation, Health, WASH & Education. The organization contributes to the achievement of these SDG Goals in Kenya- a World Renowed Tourist Destination. Poverty, Environmental Degradation- littering, air pollution, poor waste disposal, forest logging, desertification, Green House Gas emissions: Public Health Care; Water Sanitation & Hygiene- access to water,handwashing stations in schools/public gathering areas, awareness, health promotion, home based care; and Education Sector Infrastructural Deficits, are issues that the organization focuses on.

To support addressing some of these development challenges, the organization seeks to Utilize Travel and Transportation Sector (TOURISM) and Partnerships as a strategic tool to enhance Social- Economic Development and Improve Social Wellbeing of communities through Pro-Poor Tourism Development interventions. This simply means ensuring that the Travel and Transport sector supports local based/acceptable development interventions for the POOR and VULNERABLE populations from various communities in Kenya. This is realized through short and longterm partnerships with communities, government, individuals, institutions, foundations, donors, corporates and associations.

About CAK

Conservation Alliance of Kenya (CAK) is a limited liability membership registered and incorporated under the Companies Act, in Kenya on 22 December 2016. Membership is composed of International NGOs, National NGOs and CBOs with fifty-five members. CAK acts as a catalyst and ....  [ Read More ]

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Contact Info

Africa Conservation Centre
Hekima Road, Karen
P.O Box 2988-00502

+254 (0) 20 2000290
+254 716 842 277



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