• Bringing our heads together for a common goal: protecting our wildlife.
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    +254 716 842 277

  • Africa Conservation Centre

    Hekima Road, Karen, Nairobi

  • Mon - Fri  8:00am -  5:00pm

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Member profile

Name: khalif mohamud
Membership ID: CAK080
Physical Address, Town/City: P.O.BOX 309-70100 Garissa
Country: Kenya
Work Phone - No Spaces: 0722910329
Email (Will be your System Login/Username): [email protected]
Type of Body: Community Based Organization /CSO
Briefly describe your organization : Kamuthe Community Wildlife Conservancy is a community-led initiative registered in 2020 as a CBO, whose members represent politically, economically, and socially marginalized pastoralist communities of Kamuthe Location in Fafi Constituency of larger Garissa County. They are predominantly pastoralists dependent on livestock-based livelihood systems. The Conservancy is approximately forty-three kilometers from Garissa town and lies seven kilometers from River Tana. The conservancy borders Garissa Township Constituency to the North, Bura East sub-county Westward and Jarajila sub-county of larger fafi Constituency to the South.
The conservancy is rich flora and fauna and is largely undisturbed. Wildlife Species found within the Conservancy include Giraffe, Gerenuk, lesser Kudu, two critically endangered species namely the Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus), and Grevy Zebra (Equus grevyi), Crocodiles, several species of birds most of which have not been documented, buffalos, antelopes, and Ostrich. There are also two historical heritage sites, six picnic sites, and River views of Hinta, Namorma, Warable, and Bardoy River Beaches, and public water corridors for both human and wildlife water points. Several acacia species and doum palms are scattered around the conservation area enhancing its rugged beauty.

Kamuthe Conservancy was established by communities and other stakeholders involved in biodiversity and conservation in the Kamuthe area. The Conservancy focuses on sustainable conservation that recognizes and assists communities to use biodiversity and conservation and improved environmental management as a means of improving the community’s livelihoods. The conservancy is an all-inclusive platform where decisions are made by the locals irrespective of their gender, religion, tribe, or culture. The conservancy aims to practice participatory decision making including indigenous knowledge in natural resources management and practices that enhance sustainable resource use and climate change mitigation and adaptation practices

About CAK

Conservation Alliance of Kenya (CAK) is a limited liability membership registered and incorporated under the Companies Act, in Kenya on 22 December 2016. Membership is composed of International NGOs, National NGOs and CBOs with fifty-five members. CAK acts as a catalyst and ....  [ Read More ]

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Contact Info

Africa Conservation Centre
Hekima Road, Karen
P.O Box 2988-00502

+254 (0) 20 2000290
+254 716 842 277

[email protected]


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