+ 254 (0) 20 2000290
+254 716 842 277
Africa Conservation Centre
Hekima Road, Karen, Nairobi
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
Member profile

Name: | Lori Bergemann |
Membership ID: | CAK05 |
Physical Address, Town/City: | Karen |
Country: | Kenya |
Work Phone - No Spaces: | +254 722 641120 |
Email (Will be your System Login/Username): | [email protected] |
Website: | https://amaraconservation.org |
Type of Body: | NGO / non-profit |
Briefly describe your organization : | Amara is a USA 501(c) 3 and UK registered charity that has been working in Kenya since 2001. It works to conserve wildlife and critical habitats and promote sustainable livelihoods through providing environmental education and capacity building in rural communities, primarily in the Tsavo Conservation Area. One of our guiding values is the awareness that each community is unique and must find its own solutions to the problem of sustainability and environmental protection. Amara’s role is to provide information, opportunities and alternatives in an atmosphere of openness, honesty and cooperation among stakeholders based on trust and creativity. We work closely with KWS and other partners in the area providing education to help people make personal decisions to work for positive change. Amara is known for our Mobile Film Unit, we worked to establish the Mbulia Conservancy, and have presence in all the areas bordering the Tsavos. |