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To combat climate change and promote a greener environment, the Kenyan government launched a campaign to plant 15 billion trees over the next ten years. The campaign, dubbed "Greening Kenya," seeks to restore the country's degraded forest cover and create a sustainable future for all Kenyans.

On March 17th, 2023, the Conservation Alliance of Kenya joined the Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Forestry, Hon. Soipan Tuya, in a tree planting exercise at Ngong Hills Kona Baridi. The event marked an important milestone in the Greening Kenya campaign, as it brought together different stakeholders to support the government's initiative. It was an opportunity to take stock of the trees planted during the launch in Dec 2022 by the President Dr. Ruto.

During the exercise, the Cabinet Secretary and representatives from the Conservation Alliance of Kenya planted various tree species, including indigenous and exotic ones. In addition, the event allowed the public to learn about the benefits of planting trees, such as reducing carbon emissions, improving air quality, and promoting biodiversity.

During the event, Hon. Soipan Tuya thanked partners for their support and emphasized the importance of planting trees for a sustainable future. She urged all Kenyans to embrace the tree-planting culture and practice it daily. Furthermore, she urged all Kenyans to grow at least 30 trees yearly to help the government achieve the 15B trees in the next ten years.

During the event, representatives from Kenya Forest Service said 25M tree seedlings are ready for planting. Kenyans can adopt a block in Ngong Hills to ensure we restore the degraded land. They said that there has been 100% growth rate for all the trees planted in Dec 2022 during the Launch.

As a non-governmental organization that works to conserve biodiversity and promote sustainable development in Kenya, our participation in the tree planting exercise underscores our commitment to supporting the government's efforts towards a greener future. Our CEO Mr. Itela said, our members are committed to help the government achieve the 15B trees, he said that Conservation Alliance of Kenya adopted a block in Amboseli with the help of Serena hotel and our members will continue adopting more blocks across the country.

The Greening Kenya campaign is part of the government's vision of achieving a 30 percent forest cover by 2030. This ambitious target aims to reverse deforestation's effects and promote a healthy environment for our country

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