Category: Press_releases
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Nairobi, Jan 31 – The Conservation Alliance of Kenya requests the organizers of the Naivasha Love Festival 2020 to move out of the Hells Gate National Park to an alternative location suitable for such events.

The three-day event dubbed the Naivasha Love Festival 2020 from the 13th to 15th February 2020 which has events planned inside Hells Gate National Park is unacceptable, violates laws and regulations on wildlife conservation and management and will have negative impacts on the nesting raptors and put at risk the security innocent Kenyans, and the respect for the privacy and security of the wildlife in their only habitat.

There are many suitable places in Naivasha which the organizers have already identified that are suitable for such events.

Members of the Alliance have raised critical environmental concerns with the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) and they have requested the organizers in writing to provide a detailed assessment of the potential impacts the proposed event to the park and the proposed suitable mitigation measures; and provide clearance/approval from Kenya Wildlife Service for the event to be undertaken within the park. The organisers are yet to provide that report and so it is illegal to continue with the event without approval.

Therefore, we are alerting the general public that the planned Koroga festival in the park jeopardizes your own safety and any neglect of existing laws and regulations for whatever reasons, shall not be compensated. Your safety is your primary responsibility. For your own safety request the organizers to identify an alternative location.

Hells Gate National Park

The Hell’s Gate National Park established in 1984 is an Important Bird Area of international significance, a breeding site and foraging site for many birds of prey, including the critically endangered Ruppel’s vultures, eagles, falcons, hawks, buzzards and owls. African buffalo, zebra, eland, hartebeest, Thomson’s gazelle and baboons are common, and home to klipspringer antelope and Chandler’s mountain reedbuck. The park attracts visitors nationally and globally for biking, bird watching, camping, game viewing, hiking and rock-climbing events contributing to Kenya’s GDP and communities’ livelihoods through employment opportunities.

Note to journalists: for more information and to arrange interviews, please contact Shillah Raymond Tel: 0724283796 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Conservation Alliance of Kenya

The Alliance is a member-driven non-profit umbrella organization for conservation Non-Governmental Organizations in Kenya with shared interests to advance the preservation, protection and management of wildlife and its habitats. The Alliance collaborates with partners to promote participation in policymaking and the implementation of proactive solutions to natural resources threats and management at all levels of governance. Learn more about the Alliance by visiting 

Steve Itela, CEO, Conservation Alliance of Kenya

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